Late in the evening we cross the perimeter of Chernobyl Zone and head for the abandoned village, where we spend the night.After waking up and having breakfast, we continue our hike through the wild nature of the Chernobyl zone and by the evening we get to the secret place where we stop for a halt. She loves exploring the zone and is also addicted to share it all with you.

Ahead of us across a field of knee high grass lay the Zlynska, and hopefully some point shallow enough to cross.Metal theft and poaching present a significant problem for the Ukrainian government, with tonnes of radioactive metal and meat being taken from the exclusion zone every year and put back into circulation in the post soviet states. This trip will open the door to the longest catacombs in the world !!! One particular place in the ghost town of Pripyat not visited by the official tourists and even mostly avoided by the stalkers is Hospital MsCh-126

;),- Respect the places you visit. A bottle of chilli vodka and some packets of meat and pasta, which more than made up for the fact that the second one we went to search for had been nicked by poachers.Our search for an apartment saw us inspect a few buildings, most of them sporting ‘stalker traps’ at the entrances – random bits of metal in the doorways to be tripped over to indicate disturbance, placed there by the military police to catch out squatters. Anyways if we are caught by the police, we just need to pay a ridiculous administrative fine (about 20 €). Go watch.By the time we’d finished on the roof, it was only an hour to light and we made our way across town to our water source.Our grand plan for water, and you’ll have to stick with me on this, was to fill up the plastic bottles we’d accumulated with water from a flooded cable tunnel underneath an old electronics facility on the edge of the city, and clean it with some $10 filters we bought in a camping shop two days before. Is it safe? 4 days extreme tour to Chernobyl zone Urbex-style hike with a few overnight stops in abandoned Ukrainian villages in the chernobyl exclusion zone, climbing on top of DUGA and destination in Pripyat ghost town.

We all started to relax a little around the 30 minute mark, although there was a healthy separation in levels of anxiety between the Brits and the Ukes. You can only shake your head.The city, under the blanket of stars and full moon was mesmeric. If they’d heard our ride in they would almost certainly be coming to investigate, so rather than continuing the noise by immediately setting off and having 8 sets of legs trampling the forest floor, we held tight and gave ourselves a few minutes to be sure we were alone.The Chernobyl guards are well aware of the various flavours of illegal visitor that attempt the border crossing in the 10km space between the KPP road checkpoints at Dubrava and Sokol, a long stretch of uninhabited no-mans land and our chosen gateway to the south side of the exclusion zone.For this relatively short stretch, the 30 year old rusting barbed wire fencing falls away, and the duty of maintaining the perimeter is taken up by the Zlynska river, the once massively radioactive tributary to the river Pripyat, which it joins 25km to the east.Oleg thew is second cigarette on the ground and stamped it out.We’d been moving quickly and quietly in single file, sticking to our planned route north east, straight through the woods on a small 4×4 track that snaked through the groves of pines. The storage ceased to function in 1996, when the capacity limit would have been exhausted, and a decision was made to reconstruct the RWDF. “Sound of Chernobyl” project is a symbiosis nature of the exclusion zone and Pripyat urban environment.As a rule, we meet with you in the evening, buy the necessary food and water and go to a special spot in the perimeter of the Zone. It was amazing to finally get a brew and a plate of warm food (washed down with a nip of vodka, of course).The others got to work on clearing the dust off the floor in one of the back rooms to lay out their roll mats on, which after spending about 2 minutes in there, I opted to avoid and looked for somewhere to string the hammock.Scharfrichter had the same thought, and as i’d just gotten comfortable in the perch i’d found rigged off door frame and adjacent window, she skipped past me out the back window, climbing up an adjacent tree and hopping through an open door in the roof space.“Is it ok?” I asked with one eye slightly open.By the time we awoke, most of the day had past. Finally, we've been visit the zone since 2010 and we're still alive! Menu. Anyways if we are caught by the police, we just need to pay a ridiculous administrative fine (about 20 €).

Do not forget that people will visit the place after you do, so let them experience it just as you did! We tiptoed over the gates and channels and worked our way through shoulder high wheat and grass, past collapsing cow sheds, stables and green houses on our way to the abandoned village of Zamoshnya.There isn’t much left here. We were looking out for the glinting light of the main control post at the village of Dytyatky, the main road entrance to the exclusion zone, or signal to move off to the side and make our way through the trees to cross the barbed wire fences and exit back into the real world.Without warning, the road began to glow. Faced with 5-10 year prison terms, the poachers and metal thieves will stop at nothing to ensure they aren’t caught.

I figured the best thing to do would have been to keep an extremely low profile and wait till nightfall to move out, but an hour later, they were suggesting we go an watch the sunset from the same block we’d just seen the soldiers on.The fox that greeted us at the steps to our building as we moved on out towards the evening venue was a funny little chap, happy to take food from our hands and hang around like a house-trained dog.The sunset was gorgeous, and we finished the last of the beer from the food stash and took in the final view of the city before we were to depart.

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