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PLAY GAME. Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands. You are about to visit a web page that will display retailer pricing and availability and is intended for adults. BACK TO TOP Results 1 - 21 of 21 FILTER PRODUCTS Add to List Opens a popup. BARBIE COLORING CREATIONS. *Offer is valid at Barbie.mattel.com and at participating retailers (Target, Walmart, Amazon, and Kohl’s) in all 50 states of the United States. Review our,We care about your privacy and want you to be informed about our practices. Explore the world and travel with Barbie! We care about your privacy and want you to be informed about our practices. 5:true.As she enters the ballroom, all eyes turn ...This retro mauve cocktail dress features a pouf ...A brunette version of Capucine™ Barbie®, Chataine™ Barbie® ...Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands. 2002. Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands.

Review our,Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands. ©2020 Mattel.official-barbie-collector-club-exclusives,We care about your privacy and want you to be informed about our practices. Click,yottaSwitch : For information about the charity, visit: 1stRCF.org. 3:true 1:false

We link your email address with other info we have, including automatically collected information and information we receive from and share with 3rd parties, to manage our business, offer personalized offers and ads, and better serve you. Gallery Scene™ Barbie® Fashion Find at Retail ITEM NO LONGER AVAILABLE Compare Compare. sfIndicator :BA item(s)),( Find a variety of dolls, fashions, accessories and playsets to tell endless stories! Shop for Barbie dolls and toys! Tax, shipping costs, and discounts will be applied during checkout. GO BACK CONTINUE Opens in a new tab. 2:false Review our,Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands. You are leaving the Barbie Play site to go to a site intended for adults. Sign up to get news and offers from Mattel's family of brands. 4:false *Offer is valid at Barbie.mattel.com and at participating retailers (Target, Walmart, Amazon, and Kohl’s) in all 50 states of the United States. Tax, shipping costs, and discounts will be applied during checkout.In honor of this remarkable occasion, Barbie,Play out your own sing-a-long story with the.Our latest Shero doll honors Alex Morgan, soccer captain and world champion, for breaking boundaries to inspire the next generation of girls!Alex Morgan, soccer captain and world champion, has broken boundaries to inspire the next generation of girls!Barbie is hitting the campaign trail to inspire the next generation of leaders.Barbie has continued to evolve over the years to better reflect the world girls see today, adding more diversity for endless storytelling possibilities.Founded by Ruth Handler - businesswoman, mom, and pioneer of her time - Barbie has been breaking

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*Offer is valid at Barbie.mattel.com and at participating retailers (Target, Walmart, Amazon, and Kohl’s) in all 50 states of the United States. 3 For information about the charity, visit:Trademarks used with permission of their respective owners.

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