Our kennel has got breeded a lot of champions, winners and remainders of championships not only in Slovakia, but in all Europe. Chihuahua di altissima genealogia. Learn what makes us special and why we love Rotts so much.De Leemlande is a Rottweiler kennel located in the south of the Netherlands. I'm very unteresting in breeding and shows.Chihuahua longhaired and chihuahua shorthaired.Nepean River chihuahuas is founded on Australian Champion bloodlines. We have Bernese Mountaindog and Rottweiler.Welcome in kennel rottweiler and griffon (all coat) "King Roys"!Features kennel history, news, pictures, litter information and show results. Breeding of Chihuahuas & Prague ratters with love.We are a small Chihuahua family kennel situated in Vienna, Austria. Razvedenie and puppies for sale miniature, decorative, offices and hunting breeds.My name is Irina. Zeitweise im Jahr Welpen abzugeben aus liebevoller Familienaufzucht.Wir züchten Chihuahuas in Kurz- und Langhaar und haben zeitweise typvolle Welpen abzugeben.Breeding with love for both long and short hair chihuahua. Presentation our dogs, bitches, puppies, galery, hopefuls, results from shows and many more.Small but serious breeding of long- and smoothcoat chihuahuas. I hope that the career of my dogs will be successful.Shorthaired and longhaired chihuahua puppies for sale!We are a small breed of long/shorthair chihuahua.Selection, rigueur et qualité Chihuahuas LOF poils court et poils long. Продажа щенков.JCH Rus, JCH Moldavia, JCH Estonia, JCH Belorussia, CH Russia, CH Slovenia.Племенной питомник Русского тоя и Чихуаxуа "Мечта Кассандры" (Kennel Russian toy Chihuahua and "Cassandra's Dream") Щенки на продажу, выставки, кобели для вязки, наши выпускники, контакты.Wir sind eine sehr kleine, aber "feine" Chihuahuazucht. 1991 ГОД р-к "Z HALITSII", FCI-7/00 - Regelmatig pups beschikbaar.Chihuahua kennel Nebrasca Edda from Slovakia. Our dogs are healthy, show quality and sometimeswith rare colours... We breed long and short coat...have a look on our website and make your dream come true !Cría y selección familiar de chihuahua de pelo corto y largo. The puppies have its own color, vision charm and character. Приглашаем на вязки сук с высокопородными, кобелями. Buenos Aires Welcome to the website dedicated to the Rottweiler breed.We are breeding Rottweilers since 1994. Rottweilers that are mentally healthy, with good character and very good health (hyp/ear dysplasia free, heart scans). Nous sommes un élevage familial sérieux, passionné, expérimenté, titulaire du certificat de capacité, situé dans les yvelines à 40 mn de paris.Питомник занимается разведением собак породы Чихуахуа. Our dogs - all members of our family.Longhair chihuahua kennel "z Jantarovej cesty" from Kysucke Nove Mesto, Slovakia.

Die Anzahl der beim Züchter lebenden Hunde sollte soweit begrenzt sein, dass alle Tiere optimal versorgt werden können.. Erweckt das Grundstück eher den Eindruck einer Massenhaltung, sind Zweifel an der Seriosität des Züchters angebracht. Our goal is to breed the complete rottweiler, able to compete as a working dog and a showdog. - F.C.I. Using only the best german bloodlines.Criadero Kinderbull - Bulldog Inglés y Rottweiler - Cachorros de Bulldog Inglés y Rottweiler con garantías víricas y genéticas. Pedigree de la R.S.C.E.

In their family trees - champions from world renowned nurseries.

I grew up with Rottweilers and since 2017 I started my own Rottweilerkennel. Breed male and female and their puppies.A small breed of chihuahua in home invirement.Питомник "БОСС КОНСУЛАТ" приветствует Вас и представляет породы собак: чихуахуа, йоркширский терьер, пекинес.Allevamento riconosciuto enci per la selezione Chihuahua pelo corto e lungo - Bassotti pelo corto nani e kanichen - Bouledogue Francese.The nursery Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers "ARMS LION" (Saint Petersburg, Russia) is engaged in cultivation of the smallest in the world doggie. При Питомнике есть свой ветврач и груммер, который всегда даст граммотную полезную консультацию.Gepflegte Chihuahua Zucht "von Hohenlohe Fichtenau". MAXI ROTT Rottweiler Kennel. Join Cocker Nation here and on Facebook! Watch Queue Queue Seit vielen Jahren züchte ich mit Begeisterung den bezaubernden langhaar Chihuahua. Unsere Hunde leben mit uns in Haus und Garten und begleiten uns recht erfolgreich zu Ausstellungen in viele Länder.Smooth- and longcoated chihuahua kennel with exellent lines in Austria. Show quality puppies from our champion bloodlines occasionally availble.Chihuahuas puppies in all colours included Merle.Vida perra chihuahua kennel, Prague, Czech republic. It is registered in 1995..Kennel SLO - White rose, breeding of Swiss white shepherds and Chihuahuas. Chihuahua in allen Farben (merle).Tribal Cynological association monobreed and mnogoporodnyh clubs and pitomnikov.

Home of best awarded male of Croatia for 2005 AYK v.d. We offer delivery with pet nanny.The first kennel of Silky Terriers and Chihuahuas in Estonia.

We owe all the achievements of hard and persistent work.Sito Ufficiale dell'Allevamento Rottweiler "Vom Hause Real" Da sempre, l'allevamento vom Hause Real si e' in FCI and SKK.Mein Name ist Christel Breyther und ich lebe mit meiner Familie & den Chi's im Harzer-Vorland zwischen Bad Harzburg und Wolfenbüttel in dem kleinem Dörfchen Börßum. to help give you the best experience we can.Newest breed on my list!

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