The large number of buildings that have been unused for years, vacant or currently undergoing luxurious renovation prove this. Translated by Enough 14.… Quick history lesson so we know what to…,from Philly Antifa   Wear a mask. This is having the desired effect. Public opinion is shifting against China and giving the […],In Paris in 1851, the artist Gustave Courbet provoked fury in the upper classes merely by displaying paintings that featured the French peasantry as subjects. Origins of a spontaneous revolution: East Germany,1989. El feminismo ha impulsado un espectro infinito de posibilidades de críticas y se ha extendido de forma transversal en el espacio público […],La pandemia del coronavirus ha contribuido a acentuar la crisis de la sociedad capitalista de nuestros tiempos. Die Regeln würden gerade erarbeitet.Weihnachtsmarkt in Chemnitz ohne Bergparade.Der Chemnitzer Weihnachtsmarkt soll auch in diesem Jahr stattfinden, coronabedingt allerdings mit Einschränkungen. On Tuesday September 15th, women across Mexico mobilized an “anti-grita,” a shout out against patriarchal violence on the eve of Mexican Independence Day. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. The Dynamics of Informational Cascades: The Monday Demonstrations in Leipzig, East Germany, 1989-91.

Today, urban space is above all an object of speculation and the maximization of profits. mit zu verantworten hat. Read […],In Nogojiwanong, so-called Peterborough, posters were pasted up in an effort to foster local awareness & support of the land defense of 1492 Land Back Lane on Six Nations of the Grand River territory. LEIPZIG. Como resultado la iglesia ofreció refugio a los grupos alternativos políticos, las víctimas del régimen de la RDA.

Arresting our kin and allies is an […],Statue taken down today in so-called #Montreal #BlackLivesMatter #DefundPolice #manifencours #decolonize Kanada — Nore (@noreornot) August 29, 2020 Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Demonstrators took down the statue of John A. Macdonald today in downtown Montreal, at the end of the demonstration to defund the police. Las manifestaciones del lunes (en alemán, Montagsdemonstrationen) fueron una serie de protestas contra el gobierno de la República Democrática Alemana (RDA) que tuvieron lugar en pueblos y ciudades de todo el país en varios días de la semana.

AWSM read more,1200_2_brest_protesty_den_vtoroy_2020_28.jpg A resident of Brest talks about the situation in this Belarusian city, about the protests and the socio-economic situation in the country read more,117606654_3470160486347620_3063752893415669112_n.jpg Workers activists in Belarus organized an initiative to struggle for real interests of working people read more.Um relato e uma entrevista explorando os antecedentes e as implicações da onda global de revolta contra a repressão policial e estatal.Anarchists describe the burning of the refugee camp, Moria, the response countrywide, and other struggles against state repression.Ein Report und Hintergründe zu den jüngsten Aufständen gegen die Polizei in Kolumbien.A report and interview exploring the background and implications of the latest chapter in a global wave of revolt against police and state repression.Democrats are joining Trump and DHS in demonizing anarchists, anti-fascists, and other protesters. A pesar de ser un texto breve y con ciertas limitaciones, terminó convirtiéndose en una referencia en […],In an era of pandemic and mass protest we are witnessing an uptick in political militancy, from attacks on police stations and the seizure of space to wildcat strikes and rent strikes. We’re happy to do so!Regents Park in London contains probably the richest street in the city. "...the struggle for a better world is never easy, is always provisional, needs to be struggled for both within yourself and among those you live, love, work, and sometimes die with." State and capital, in a constan...Lesvos.

Kaya of Leipzig Besetzen adds: “The eviction of the.The city of Leipzig now has the opportunity to do things differently and to show itself open to self-managed and solidarity-based city politics. In Leipzig hielten die Veranstalter am bewährten "Marktplatz der Vielfalt" fest. Today, August 21, 2020, activists from “Leipzig Besetzen” squatted the house at Ludwigstraße 71. Displacement and gentrification effects, as they have been seen in other parts of Leipzig, such as the southern suburbs, Plagwitz and Connewitz, have long been a sad reality in the east of Leipzig,” explains Sasha, an activist of the group Leipzig Besetzen. Mai: Vorbereitung der Polizei ... August 2020; Search for: Search. find the meeting Bundesliga between 1. There is a growing consensus across mainstream political and media circles that Trump will contest the upcoming 2020 election and throw the United States into a Constitutional – and potentially violent crisis – in order to hold on to power.

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