For example: der Käse).The following endings guarantee that the noun is feminine and their plural is with "-n" : -ie , -ade, -age, -ere, -ine, -isse, -ive, -se.The feminine nouns that end in "-in" make their plural with "-nen".A few feminine nouns add [Umlaut] + "-e".Some words not from German origin ending in "-a" make their plural with "-en",Nouns ending in "-sis" construct their plural with "-sen",The plural for nouns ending with "-xis" are constructed with "-xien",The feminine nouns ending with "-itis" construct their plural with -den,Feminine nouns ending in "-nis" construct their plural by adding the ending "-se".Feminine nouns ending with "-aus" add an Umlaut over the "a" and add the ending "e".There are two feminine nouns that construct their plural with Umlaut: "Mutter" and "Tochter".A plural form that is not very common is the [Umlaut] + "–en" that practically is used only with the word "Werkstatt".Many masculine nouns form their plural with "-e". It is a plural construction that is much more common with neuter nouns.A few masculine nouns’ plural form is made with [Umlaut] + "-er".One the rarest masculine nouns is constructed with the suffix "-ten".Most of the masculine nouns ending with "-us" add "-se", meaning that an extra –s is added.There are a few masculine nouns that come from Latin and end with "us", forming the plural with "i",The most common plural form for neuter nouns is constructed with the ending "-e".Almost all of the neuter nouns ending with "-er" or "-el" or "-en".Many neuter nouns construct the plural with "-er".The plural [Umlaut] + "-er" is very common with neuter nouns.A few neuter nouns add "-en" to construct the plural.The plural formed with the suffix "-ien" is not very common.For nouns ending with "-nis", a suffix, "-se", is added (another –s is added).A few nouns originating from Latin ending with "-um" construct their plural with "-a".Most nouns originating from Latin ending with "-um" construct their plural with "-en".Another rare plural form is that of the neuter nouns ending in "-o".As you have seen, constructing the plural is very complicated. This first-person plural form is usually constructed with the verb "to let": "Let us pray." Nennworts Regel in allen Fällen bzw. Fall, Wer-Fall), Genitiv (auch 2. . Die Beugung bzw. Sometimes the proposal uses a,Third-person or other indirect commands are also possible, if less common. Zu guter Letzt lernen Sie nun noch, wie man sächliche Substantive in den Plural setzen kann. Hierzu müssen Sie sich bitte drei Regeln merken.Um die Mehrzahl der griechischen sächlichen Substantive auf.Diese Regel veranschaulichen wir natürlich sofort mit Beispielen:Und noch eine dritte Regel gilt es zu lernen:Beispiele zur Regel No. Den Plural eines griechischen sächlichen Substantivs auf -ι bildet man, indem man ein -α anhängt. In standard English, the indirect object is marked either by a prepositional phrase, word order or by certain forms of personal pronoun.The dative case has several functions in German. Hierbei wird in der Sprachwissenschaft von der "Beugung" des Nomens gesprochen, damit ist die Veränderung gemeint, die bestimmt wird durch: Kasus (Fälle) Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ Im Griechischen gibt es noch den Vokativ (Anredefall bzw. The best way to consolidate your knowledge is by practicing what you’ve learned. Among these nouns are those that end in "-e" (except.Other endings of weak nouns are "-ant," "-arch," "-ege," "-ent," "-ist," "-oge," "-om," "-oph," and "-ot." The dative case, also known as dative object or indirect object (3. Kasus. But these exceptions are statistically negligible. Dann können wir dich,Die Regel Deklination online als Deklinationstabelle mit allen Formen im Singular (Einzahl) und im Plural (Mehrzahl) und in allen vier Fällen Nominativ (auch 1. The endings that guarantee the use of this plural are: "-ich", "-ig", "-ling", "-är" (only those coming from French) and "-eur".Some nouns form the plural with [Umlaut] + "-e". Fall, Wen-Fall) übersichtlich als Tabelle dargestellt. noun def. Der Dativ ist in der Regel der Empfänger vom Akkusativ. Die Regel Deklination online als Deklinationstabelle mit allen Formen im Singular (Einzahl) und im Plural (Mehrzahl) und in allen vier Fällen Nominativ (auch 1. 14.10.2019 - [ad_1] Deutsch/ Alemán / German / DAF / German Wortschatz / Vocabulario / Grammatik / Dativ [ad_2]

Deklination des Nomens Regel ist somit eine Hilfestellung für Hausaufgaben, Prüfungen, Klausuren, für den Deutschuntericht der Schule, zum Deutsch Lernen, für das Studium, Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaZ), Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ) und für die Erwachsenenbildung. Add an -n or -en Most feminine nouns take an -n or -en ending in the plural.

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