When the five little ones of a Romanian father and Norwegian mother were seized by Norway ‘s infamous Barnevernet, thousands protested at embassies around the world, and a delegation from the Parliament of Romania went to Norway. Im Juli 2013 nahm der Barnevernet der Amerikanerin Amy Jakobsen-Bjørnevåg und ihrem Mann Kevin ihren Sohn Tyler, gerade 19 Monate alt. There were no extraordinary circumstances such as sexual abuse or domestic violence which would have justified the removal.And it must be clearly added here that a removal based on compelling reasons in extraordinary situations must always be regarded as a temporary measure. Let the politicians stew, it is worse than useless to give them much attention.Marianne, I am afraid you are right about the Western world….Like in the recent IDAG article (in Norwegian), with wonderful quotes from Mr Adelean:As far as I know this is the same Mr. Ardelean who is the rapporteur for Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe for the current investigations:I see over 200 people shared this on facebook, YET we can barely get 10 people to post or support posts with a like on Erna Solberg’s page. – Ryan Skinner,Transmisie LIVE  de la Ateneul Roman, Bucuresti a evenimentului ASCULTA ISRAEL. The case documents state that the authorities were also concerned that the Mother could take the boy back home to America.

Barnevernet had hem in beslag genomen, omdat zijn ouders hem thuisonderwijs gaven. Căci Eu sunt Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, Care te apuc de mâna dreaptă și-ți zic: «Nu te teme, Eu te voi ajuta!»,Doamne Tata, venim cu îndrăzneala inaintea Ta, știm ca ne asculti si vei implini rugăciunile noastre pt parintii si copiii care trec prin încercări cumplite. 'That I may know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

(Acestea au fost motivele oficiale ale Barnevernetului). With a spike in cases in recent years and accusations of racial intolerance, Dateline asks whether these children are being saved, or stolen?My friend, Crystal Nuttle, from Phoenix, Arizona, has a similar very heart touching emotional story.Crystal shares her heart breaking story of CPS corruption, including how her children were taken away unnecessarily and put in very abusive situations.Thank you for sharing, Octavian. She was told that 19-month-old Tyler should weigh 10 kg instead of 9.6 kg. Ask your church for prayers for Amy and Kevin and their son.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.One case involving a Czech family in Norway . She phoned the Obama White House pleading for help. All the formalisms actually cover up the erosion of family life the state causes.A possible, good thing about the opinions expressed by the winning majority here: Foreigners who see or hear of some atrocious CPS case in Norway, e.g affecting their own citizens living in Norway, tend to think that Norway can’t really mean its child protection services to carry on in this way, and that they only have to explain to Norwegian authorities and then Norwegian authorities will put it right. Without any warning, the Norwegian Child Welfare Services known as ‘Barnevernet’ accompanied by police knocked at her door, saying that her 19-month-old son Tyler had to be taken to a hospital for an examination immediately. Barnevernet has swiftly removed Tyler from Amy in 2013 at age 19 months because she was still supplementing his diet by breastfeeding him. He is an American citizen who was born in Norway. by rodi in EVENIMENTE Etichete:Amy, Barnevernet, Norvegia, Tyler In data de 23 iulie 2013, Tyler a fost confiscat de Barnevernetul din Norvegia, de la mama lui, Amy (cetateana americana), pentru ca inca il alapta la 19 luni si pentru ca era cu .400 grame deasupra greutatii ideale pentru varsta lui. They are good enough to fool judges with years of experience.

There was no court order, no proper social investigation, and no help was offered to Amy. – Vlad Breana,A 10-a Conferință a Bisericilor Penticostale din Canada, sesiunea III, IV,Premierul Israelului, Benjamin Netanyahu, vine în România,Situația actuală din SIRIA – mai 2018 – E important pentru oamenii din toată lumea să continue să se roage pentru ceea ce se întâmplă în Siria,Te ține Facebook-ul de la rugăciune? Posted on March 18, 2017 by Michael Snow .

This is not me.Amy, I’ve just become aware of your plight through the citizen go petition.Could you explain in plain text comment why “the assistance and delivery ended up very good.” I guess you have referred to the case of the Tyler family.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow Delight in Truth and receive notifications of new posts by email.All material authored by Delight in Truth may be reblogged and re-posted with reference and link to the site of origin.Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.Amy and Tyler: Outrageous Child Kidnapping in Norway,STOLEN CHILDHOOD by Steven Bennett Exposes the Truth about Norway’s Barnevernet,http://idag.no/nyheter/samfunn/det-er-noe-som-skurrer-nar-ingen-vil-snakke-i-norge/19.26495,http://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/XRef/Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid=22505&lang=en,https://www.aftenbladet.no/meninger/kommentar/i/1Lm4Q/Hva-er-kjarlighet-i-barnevernet,http://www.sundayguardianlive.com/lifestyle/11055-norway-s-child-confiscation-policies-are-disastrous-unjust,https://www.minervanett.no/frp-representant-barnevernet-stat-i-staten/,https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/herfra-investerer-oppkjopsfond-i-norsk-barnevern—mer-lonnsomt-enn-olje/68599158,http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/barnevernsmilliardene/barnevernsmilliardene-sv-og-roedt-krever-profittavklaring-fra-ap/a/24135902/,https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/reagerer-pa-at-fond-i-skatteparadis-investerer-i-barnevernet—dette-er-grelle-eksempler-fra-en-virkelighet-vi-har-advart-mot/68662270,http://fontene.no/nyheter/-vi-tar-kampen-for-profittfri-velferd-6.47.482591.aad650e0d6,https://www.nrk.no/ho/bufdir_-_–kan-vaere-ulovlig-av-nordre-og-sondre-land-1.13701934,https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/barnevernsmilliardene/vg-avsloerer-barnevernmillionaer-fikk-sparken-etter-dobbeltrolle-naa-jobber-han-i-nabokommunen/a/24154178/,http://advokatsylte.no/artikkel/9/barnevernsaker/713/ulovlige-private-akuttvedtak,http://www.sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/norways-stolen-children,http://hsbn.tv/_demand/%5Bare-you-listening%5D%20038.html,http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-178877,https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/norsk-sak-skal-behandles-av-emds-storkammer/id2596920/,http://www.sundayguardianlive.com/lifestyle/11816-corrupt-practices-disguised-child-welfare-campaigns,http://www.mhskanland.net/page120/page459/page459.html,http://www.mhskanland.net/page120/page461/page461.html,https://www.vg.no/spesial/2018/dobbeltroller-i-barnevernet/.

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