Da war die Sendung noch keine 3 Minuten alt und schon gab es den ersten Streit und das erste Paar, das definitiv keine Freunde mehr wird.Der Ton für das Wiedersehen war gesetzt und so unharmonisch wie es begonnen hatte, sollte es auch weitergehen.Benjamin Boyce und Kate Merlan getrennt! ".Mike Heiter was the one in the summer house who always laughs.And one touched when he suddenly knew Adenauer: "Somehow this name got into my head and I pronounced it, I can not really know that. Tessy von Luxemburg präsentiert ihren Freund,In Siegerpose! Was musste sich Mike Heiter nicht schon alles von seiner Elena anhören?Elena verlassen beim Spiel "Einfach einlochen" zwar langsam die Kräfte – die Kraftausdrücke allerdings nicht! ",Da atmet Mike erst mal tief durch und bittet Elena erneut, sich doch bitte zusammenzureißen.

Staffel.Das Konzept, das unter dem Namen Power Couple in zahlreichen Ländern erfolgreich ist, stammt ursprünglich aus Israel. The real winner was the audience: Five reasons why the parcher terror format delivered unbeatably good trash TV.Lost surfboard reappears after an 8,000-kilometer journey in the Philippines,Coronavirus in Argentina: 429 deaths and 8,782 new cases reported in the last 24 hours,Interview with Gerhard Polt: "I see a hysteria at work",Chiquis Rivera deletes all her photos from Instagram,Corona school summit at Merkel: learning goal not achieved,The mother who prepares amazing meals for her children that look like their favorite characters - Walla! In der Reality-Gameshow "Das Sommerhaus der Stars - Kampf der Promipaare" wohnten 8 Promi-Paare seit dem 23.

September 2019, bei RTL.

„Ich bin sehr enttäuscht“,Willi Herren mit der Baby-Bombe im "Sommerhaus der Stars",Ebenfalls keine Freunde mehr werden Yeliz Koc (25) und Johannes Haller (31) mit.Der absolute Hammer kam allerdings am Ende der Sendung. health,Liron Weizman is moving, you will not believe whose apartment? Stop being wrong, you're right, "Elena's words often said," The special, often agonizing quality of the 'Sommerhaus' was that its inhabitants behaved in places as if they existed no cameras, no spectators, as if they really only played their role for the others in the house.Especially Willi, who should have guessed that his - as a child with the help of his Smurf collection designed - Intrigue lineup later, in the broadcast, with a few simple cuts would be immediately unmasked.That he would be in front of the spectator, who knows just more than the other inhabitants, just not the self-proclaimed heart person, but a rather unpleasant Hetzermensch.These were moments, almost like in the very early Trash times when the protagonists did not know what was behind and after.It is not possible to reproduce in a shortened form the rhetorical horror of the reunion broadcast immediately after the finale.What has happened there, what has been spoken, must be recorded 1: 1 and unredigated and published as Reclam booklet, there is no other way.How Sabrina tried out of nowhere to reveal Benjamin as gay.As John blushed the bright red colored Sabrina, she had suitably chosen "the hair of the devil".Then the makeshift metaphorically decorated stake-holding dialogue between Jasmin and Sabrina.And how Menowin stood up in the middle of a real Ehrenmann move and left the show because he found everything "excessively blatant": all this is great stage material.Additional explanations and materials were always found in the advertising breaks of the programs on Instagram, where the protagonists in her live stories recounted unsung scenes and provided additional information.And for example, the suspicion nourished, the interim dispute between Willi and Sabrina was only played and choreographed by the two in advance in Mallorca to secure more airtime for themselves.Maybe it's the name that makes him invulnerable because it works as a self-fulfilling proposition.Maybe we would have to change all of our surnames only to "Fidel", "Sunny" or "Munter", and even the most concentrated gall swell that is spewed to us by others, would just bead off, as if we had just finished with a whole pot of Elena advertised coconut oil anointed as if the dragon's blood "What are you shit wanker, asshole are you, go to hell," Elena yells at Mike.Whereupon he said to her, "I am proud of you, but these insults do not have to be. ",delivered one of the great iconic declamations of world history - followed by "We are allowed to cry whenever we want!


Was bist du für ein Scheiß-Wi***er?! Gut, das ist bekanntermaßen nicht ihre Kernkompetenz. Nach dem Finale ist vor dem Wiedersehen. Dem pflichtete Elena bei und hob besonders ein Pärchen hervor: "Ich bin richtig glücklich, dass wir gegen Roland und Steffi gewonnen haben. Mike Heiter (26) und Elena konnten sich gegen ihre Mitstreiter im großen Finale durchsetzen. "Gibt's nach dem ersten Sex im Sommerhaus auch das erste Sommerhaus-Baby?

Denn die beiden probieren wirklich ein Baby zu bekommen. Dass bei dem diesjährigen Sommerhaus noch einiges zu klären gab, war klar. ",and her announcement to Sabrina: "If you want to talk to me, then you will win me over, thank you, I am Mrs. Da sorgte Willi nämlich für den Baby-Knaller. Die zwei Minuten waren ein bisschen zu kurz." Laute Streitereien, Beschimpfungen und eine Baby-Bombe machten dieses Wiedersehen zum explosivsten aller Sommerhaus-Staffeln.Erhalte sofort alle Neuigkeiten zu deinen Stars, indem du ihnen folgst!In der RTL-Show „Sommerhaus der Stars“ kämpfen sie noch um den Sieg, im wahren Leben ist das Promi-Kandidaten-Paar Benjamin Boyce und Kate Merlan längst getrennt!© Instagram / menowin_official, ddp images; BUNTE.de,Ganz offen!

Willi Herren gewohnt offen: "In vier Tagen sind wieder die fruchtbaren Tage, da ist es dann wieder soweit." Darauf ließ Willi die Bombe platzen: "Sie ist im vierten Monat“. 2019-09-04T07:25:30.013Z

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