So be sure, with her help you'll be stunned by the superiority of nature over man.Proud member of Chernobyl Tour Operator Association.Ready to uncover the secrets of Chernobyl, latest news and hot deals?CHERNOBYL POWER PLANT AND PRIPYAT TOUR (2 DAYS).Like the cooling towers, police station and military vehicle scrapyard in Pripyat.Free respirators and Geiger-Muller counters (dosimeters),From pickup to drop off, no additional costs,Lunch break at the Chernobyl plant canteen,Main entrance to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant,Feeding giant catfish in the cooling channel.1% of the tour price goes directly to support the Chernobyl Babushkas. You will be guided through the safest but still very interesting zones.100% entertaining. Marylyn, Ohio, US .

36 hours. The Chernobyl 2 Day Tour with CHERNOBYLWEL.COMe will become your life changing tour, where you do not need to take care of anything else other than the storyline and charged batteries in your camera. Reliable, friendly, 100% money back guarantee. Ready for the trip of your lifetime? (PDF). "The Chernobyl exclusion zone was an incredible place and the Chernobyl.welcome tour group was very accommodating and engaging whilst leading us across the exclusion zone. An underground Urbex tour will dramatically expand your perspective of how a...It is the year 1971, the Cold War; the Soviet Union is building strategic missile bases all over the territory of the republics of Russia, Belarus,...Kyiv has a thrilling history that even its inhabitants don’t know about.

Now easier and safer to visit Chernobyl zone. 2 day Chernobyl tour. During the next few months a lot of land in ex-Soviet Union (and not only) received a big amount of radio nuclides. At that time, this was in the former Soviet Union, but now this land belongs to modern Ukraine.This is the name of the nuclear explosion that took place in the Soviet power plant in 1986. She knows exactly how to make you feel the spirit of the Soviet Union and the horror of the Chernobyl disaster. Is it worth it, you might ask? We see wildlife very often, but no 2 headed animals, monsters and zombies!Stop in the village of Zalissya with almost 700 abandoned houses (uninhabited),The main square of the town of Chernobyl/memorial “The Wormwood Star”,Statue of Lenin (one of the few remaining in Ukraine),Chernobyl river port with sunken boats and ships,Exhibition of original, remotely controlled robotic machines used during cleanup,Unit 5, unfinished reactor of Chernobyl NPP (pass by),New Safe Confinement (“Arch”) – visitor`s site at  250 m distance,NPP cooling channel (feeding giant catfish – available May to September),Memorial “Life for Life” in front of the main administrative building of NPP,Prometheus statue, which was evacuated together with Prypiat citizens,Prypiat  ferry terminal and riverside café with amazing, laminated stained glass windows,Prypiat  town hall –after 1986 – main headquarters for military and liquidators,Palace of culture “Energetic”, the biggest entertainment center of Prypiat,Propaganda room with Soviet flags, portraits and banners,Bumper cars in the amusement park which was never opened,Iconic ferris wheel, the most famous spot in the entire Chernobyl zone,Prypiat stadium “Avangard” which is slowly turning into forest,Swimming pool “Azure”, which was still in operation until 1996,School #1, one of the collapsed buildings of Prypiat,Police station with holding cells and interrogation rooms,Vehicle graveyard next to the police station,The claw, radioactive machine used in 1986,Chornobyl town (city center, Lenin statue, river port with sinking boats, old streets with Jewish houses and half-abandoned buildings, the town’s museum).Panoramic view of the power plant and the cooling towers.Abandoned villages and a visit to self-settlers (unique people who came back to their houses despite all warnings and measures). Would you dare?Transportation in a modern minivan with facilities: TV, WIFI, AC, USB charges.Health insurance: we value your safety and comfort!Lunches (both days) in the old soviet style canteen where power plant workers used to eat back in 80s,Breakfast and dinner at the hotel where you’re staying,1 bed in a twin room in Chornobyl hotel (single room is available for extra price),The passport (not an ID, not a driving license, not a student card) that you used when applying for a permit (instructions will be given on your email once required),Clothes that cover all parts of your body (also keep in mind that Ukrainian winters can be extremely cold, as well, our summers can be scorching). First-time Yulia saw wildlife of the exclusion zone, it made an unforgettable impression on her vision of life.

A two-day tour with a guide from a Kiev based company StalkerWay is not only a trip. ",It is the only tour you can find, where you meet and talk to the real legends of Chernobyl – liquidators and witnesses,The price is final (incl. Having visited these places for the first time with CHERNOBYLwel.come, she was looking for the opportunity to spend more time in the zone to reveal all it‘s secrets. There’s a curfew in town and you are not allowed to leave a hotel without your guide.Chernobyl nuclear power plant, to be exact – reactor number 4. It is fair to say though, that it has retro appeal). 2 Day Trip to Chernobyl and Pripyat Day 1: Kiev - Chernobyl - Pripyat.

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